
Horae Homileticae Vol. 1: Genesis to Leviticus is unavailable, but you can change that!

Charles Simeon eloquently expounds on scripture in the classic Horae Homileticae Collection. In the series' first volume Simeon provides his expert analysis of the Bible's first three books. Charles Simeon focuses on the most important and instructive verses in each chapter of Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus.

[We should not have ventured to deduce such a position as this from an altercation that took place between two children so many hundred years ago, if an inspired Apostle had not put this very construction upon it. But the disagreements of Cain and Abel, and of Ishmael and Isaac, are recorded on purpose to shew us what is in the heart of man. The principles upon which they acted are common to the whole human race; and will operate in a similar manner whenever circumstances arise to call them forth
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